5 Types of Monument Sign Design

A monument sign is a low profile sign that is used to display a building address and name, identify the building tenants, or to mark the building entrance. When it comes to monument sign design, there are two commons paths taken. They can be designed to match the building for a uniform look of the surrounding environment, or they can be designed to reflect the branding of the company. Here are a few different types of moment sign types to consider and depending on which path you take, the design options are endless.

Southdale Office Centre Monument Sign

Masonry Bases

One of the more classic looks on a monument sign is to use a masonry base, whether it be brick, block, or stone. Masonry bases are extremely durable, long-lasting, and aesthetically pleasing. It is, however, one of the more expensive options and will drive the price up. To help with long-term maintenance of your investment, find a sign manufacturer that will fabricate an aluminum base cap to help prevent weathering on the top corners of the brick where it’s most vulnerable.

Aluminum Pole Cover

Office - Directional Monument Sign - Woodlake Office Centre 1200x900

The purpose of a pole cover to cover the steel pole that the monument is mounted to—but that doesn't mean it has to be plain and boring! For consistent branding, oftentimes sign manufacturers will finish the pole cover to match the building by selecting a color from the building that ties into the sign. If the building has a textured concrete or paneling, a sprayed stucco finish can be added to give it texture and dimension. While the pole cover is also a great place to install address numbers, it's also a great way to break-up the solid color to look more visually appealing.

Decorative Caps and Accentsarbor-lakes-monument-sign-1

Aluminum caps and accents can take a rectangular sign and really make it pop by adding dimension and design. They are also a great opportunity for more color without too much distraction. Aluminum caps can be fabricated in any shape and size to fit your sign, and the same goes for any accents and reveals.

Multi Tenant Options

Cabriole Office Center Monument Sign

Think of multi-tenant monument signs as a building directory on the outside of the building. They typically include the building name, address, and the tenants located in the building and are commonly used in retail locations, office buildings, and industrial parks. One of the important design elements of this type of sign is selecting how to display the tenant names. Typically when there are four or fewer spots allocated on the sign, logos are used. When there are more than four listed all the names in a standard font is preferred—this helps to keep balance on the sign.

Custom Shapes

Monument Sign - Commercial Property - Eagan Innovation CenterNot all monument sign designs have to be rectangle or square in shape. You can get creative in the shape of the monument sign by using any shape you want. The sign can be designed to match a branding element, architectural feature of a building or something completely unique. The only limitation would be how the faces are constructed. With certain shapes aluminum faces would be the best solution for fabrication.  

A well-designed monument sign should look like an extension of the building and be able to stand out on its own. Not only should the design of the sign be well thought out but should also be a functional solution for your building. If you'd like to learn more about our process of designing, fabricating and installing monument signs, contact us today!

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Patrick Woller

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Patrick is a Graphic Designer at Spectrum Signs, a custom business sign maker in Blaine, MN. After a call from his college placement office, Patrick joined the Spectrum Signs team in 2010. Patrick finds enjoyment in the unique challenges his job gives him through the use of out of the ordinary materials. When Patrick isn’t designing signs, he enjoys spending time with his wife and daughter, hiking with his dog Willis, and getting out on the golf course.

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