Wayfinding Signage That Works
Topics: Sign Information
The purpose of wayfinding signage is getting people to their desired location in the most efficient route possible. In order to create a successful wayfinding sign package, it's necessary to understand basic human behavior. People traveling in unfamiliar environments tend to be indecisive. When people are indecisive, it affects not only them, but others around them. So, how do we get people to where they want to go without all the confusion?
Limit the clutter.
Show only what is needed on the wayfinding signage. Typically 3-4 main destinations per sign is what is used. Any more than that and the sign just becomes a whole lot of information. Instead of being helpful, it is confusing and a potential problem.
Easy to read.
Use a typeface that has good spacing and easily recognizable letters for all directional information. This helps the reader distinguish each letter character and is easy to comprehend. Typically wayfinding signage is close to the road, so having a minimum of 3-4 inch character height is needed for readability.
Stay consistent.
Use consistent font, letter height, icons, color and materials. Even after seeing just one sign people will seek out more information, by looking for the same wayfinding sign style and color.
Landmark the buildings.
Make sure the building that you are guiding people to is clearly identified. Have the building name and address in a prominent location so that it can't be missed. If there is more than one entrance to the building, mark the one that you want guests to enter.
Have any questions about how you can make your wayfinding signage work for you? Contact us today!
Patrick Woller
Patrick is a Graphic Designer at Spectrum Signs, a custom business sign maker in Blaine, MN. After a call from his college placement office, Patrick joined the Spectrum Signs team in 2010. Patrick finds enjoyment in the unique challenges his job gives him through the use of out of the ordinary materials. When Patrick isn’t designing signs, he enjoys spending time with his wife and daughter, hiking with his dog Willis, and getting out on the golf course.